Seren has been in the hospital for nearly 12 weeks, undergoing various treatments, including infusions, lumbar punctures, and the fitting of lines and tubes. She has endured countless scans, procedures, and examinations, all while working tirelessly with the incredible physiotherapy and occupational therapy teams. Seren has responded remarkably well to treatment—she’s gaining weight and strength, and every day she amazes her family with new milestones. The HLH is now in remission, and she’s preparing for a bone marrow transplant. Seren has even started walking short distances with a walking frame.
The journey ahead is still challenging, but her resilience and determination shine through. Seren's family say she never complains, and her vibrant, sassy personality and creativity, which the HLH had once taken from her, are back in full force.

"She keeps us laughing despite everything she’s faced. Seren is an absolute trooper and a true inspiration—we couldn’t be prouder of how she’s handled the immense challenges of this past year."
Seren was initially discharged from hospital, however is currently back in hospital having an ovarian cryopreservation on the 13th of December. Unfortunately, it looks as though the HLH in Seren's brain has started to come back again, having previously had it in her brain and body; after her operation, the medical team are going to be giving Seren further treatment through LP and IVs to hopefully get things under control again.