Member of the Month August 2024

Sophia Osborne

Our Member of the Month this month is Sophia Osborne.

“Our Daughter Sophia is our miracle and continues to amaze us and defy the impossible everyday”

Sophia arrived 15 weeks earlier than expected because of a severe case of pre-eclampsia. At just six weeks old, she faced a life-threatening infection called Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC). As a result of this infection, Sophia had to undergo surgery to remove 75% of her lower intestine and now relies on a pump for her nutrition.

Sophia’s stay in hospital lasted 6 months and 1 day and included 3 surgeries. 

From day one we as parents were introduced to the beads of courage and they gave us hope and helped us understand what was happening to our daughter better. Now Sophias beads stretch to over 7 metres long and number nearly 1000.” 

In the future, Sophia’s beads will help her parents explain the challenging start she had in life and will give her a way to share her story with her friends.